Shopping For Good Value Horse Rugs

By Essie Osborn

Owning horses is a wonderful privilege. Many people save for years to realize their dream of ownership. Most horses are boarded at large barns where they receive excellent care. This involves being fed at regular intervals, having their stalls cleaned daily and being turned out in the field to get some exercise. When horses are turned out in the winter time they often need one or more blankets to keep them warm and dry.

Horses need a huge amount of equipment. This begins with a basic saddle, bridle and halter. Those that show regularly will often need an entirely separate set of show tack. Riders also need well made clothing. The most minimal requirement is a well fitting helmet that conforms to all safety standards. Horses also need their own clothing and most will have a variety of horse rugs for every type of weather.

There are many excellent brands on the market today. Most owners have their favorites that they have been buying for years. These are often the mid range line, that is affordable yet still offer all the best features. Everyone is looking for a rug that is durable, light weight and washable.

For decades horse clothing was very difficult to take care of. An out door rug was heavy and practically impossible to wash. Within a matter of months the water proofing was gone and it would start to leak. Owners and their animals had no alternatives to choose from and were basically stuck with these ineffective and often uncomfortable blankets.

It has only been in the past ten years or so that some innovative companies have really gone back to the drawing board and redesigned equine clothing from the ground up. Some of the best new features are nylon rugs that are very easy to care for. They can be machine washed and dried and are very light weight.

The new line of equine clothing also has the crossed surcingle feature. This is a set of stitched in belly straps that cross and are held secure by snaps. In conjunction with detachable leg straps they help to keep the rug in place whilst eliminating pressure on the horses back. This has prevented many of the back problems caused by pressure points and also the rubbing caused by a badly fitting rug.

The new line of turn out blankets are available in either shower or water proof. The shower proof are for horses that are only turned out for a few hours each day and can be brought in if the weather gets bad. However, an animal that lives out all the time will need a much higher degree of weather protection.

Rugs are now available in many different colors. Some people stick with the traditional green, navy blue or black. However, the fun and funky colors are now becoming very popular, especially with the younger riders. They love to see their horse or pony in a bright pink or purple rug.

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