Why The Toggi Website Is A Good Example Of A Good Retail Business Site

By Essie Osborn

A lot of retailers try to succeed in the virtual world by making great online websites and stores. A lot also fail due to clunky loading times and also confusing layouts that are too much to absorb in one go. Toggi, on the other hand has an interesting website that does not necessarily have all the bells and whistles, but it does get the job done.

One of the factors that make this website easy to use is that it loads fast. Even on a dial up connection the whole page loads up in just a few seconds. Faster connections of 1 mbps or more sees an almost instant connection with all the pictures loaded.

The simple design and layout, basically a full page on black background gives the loading speed a boost. On the left side of the site there are tabs delineating each of the main lines of products that the company offers in terms of outdoor apparel for men, women, children, and equestrian riders.

On the left side of the page is another tab called technical guide, roughly located to separate outdoor apparel on the top from the equestrian riding gears on the bottom. It is an interesting guide in that it shows the material qualities of the different products and what each of these does for the product. This is quite a novel first for an apparel store, by providing more information to customers so that they can make an informed choice.

Clicking on any of the tabs for each specific product gives also the user the same speed as loading up, thanks to the simplicity of the site. By clicking on each tab, a secondary menu comes up in front which further divides the product lines into outdoor or men and women or children collections. The site does not only contain clothes, but also accessories for outdoors such as scarves, hats and even bags and purses.

Those addicted to social media will not feel lost in this site as links to popular social media are also included on it. Links are available for Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. A tab covering news for products is also included if one wants to know more about their products and product lines that are in the offing or just newly offered.

Another interesting and novel move by the company is to provide a product registration for products bought from their stores. This in a way keeps track of loyal customers and also helps them make a database for future promotions and sales and deals. Very few if any company does this for their sites as an aftersales service.

Thus in a nutshell, the qualities for a good website for an apparel business can be summed up as having good speed, clear and simple layout, simple directions, and also customer feedback and service. This website can thus be used as an example for other stores to emulate to make themselves not only successful in the real world, but in the virtual world as well.

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