Discovering Massage Therapy With Nashville Chiropractic Care

By Harriett Simington

Many people choose complimentary care over traditional medicine when it comes to various non-life threatening conditions. This option focuses on creating and maintaining a healthy spine and nervous system. In addition to adjustments, Nashville chiropractic therapy may include massage therapy as a way of improving muscle alignment and balance.

Long-standing spinal abnormalities are associated with ingrained muscle patterns. Scar tissue and muscle spasms often result. Chiropractors and massage therapy accelerate recovery by adjusting the spine and promoting healing of muscles and soft tissues, respectively.

Massages are not always just for relaxation and personal enjoyment. When performed by good professionals, they can also help with balance and posture. Massage has been found to relieve the discomfort of heartburn and reduce the problem of constipation through intestinal stimulation. Most people know how well it works on achy joints and stiff muscles.

Before beginning any therapeutic massage, the practitioner will thoroughly explain the procedure and answer any questions the patient may have. Most therapy sessions take place in comfortable surroundings with a soothing atmosphere conducive to relaxation. Privacy and respect are critical, and patients are encouraged to dress comfortably. No one is required to expose themselves in any way that would make them nervous or self-conscious.

The therapist should explain which areas of the body will be involved. Most massages include the legs, arms, shoulders, neck, and head. Lotions and oils are used to make the process more comfortable and relaxing for the patient. Sessions tend to begin with broad strokes that are gradually replaced by pressure and motion directed specifically to the problem areas.

Some patients may experience tenderness the following day; drinking plenty of fluids after a massage is recommended for optimal comfort. The Nashville chiropractor capitalizes on the body's ability to heal itself by combining massage therapy and .

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