Seasonal Back Injury Prevention Tips Supplied By Kent WA Chiropractor

By Kenya File

This is the season for enjoying good food, decorating your home, opening presents ... And sustaining back injuries. More than 5,000 people throughout the United States seriously harm their backs by falling off tall ladders while putting their holiday decorations up. Hanging decorations outdoors can be incredibly risky. People also tend to be less active during winter. You can use the tips that follow to limit your likelihood of getting a back injury during the winter season.

For starters, avoid decorating your home on your own, particularly the outside portion. Never set up and climb a ladder unless you have someone to spot you. Moreover, don't do your decorating while intoxicated as this will make you unsteady (it will also result in crooked decorations).

Second, make sure to exercise, especially if you live somewhere where winters are so miserable that you end up trapped indoors. Do basic home exercises and stretch your hip and lower back. A Kent chiropractor can advise as to good exercises for keeping the spine healthy when sitting around a lot.

Next, take extra care when stepping out to do a bit of Christmas shopping. Try to use a cart when possible so that you're not overburdened with the weight of too many presents.

Fourth, when shoveling snow, make sure that the force of the motion comes from your legs not your back. Keep shovel loads reasonable - it is better to take a bit longer than strain your back and not be able to finish.

Also, seasonal affective disorder can actually cause back pain - if you routinely feel under the weather and experience aches and pains when the days get shorter, you should talk to a medical professional about the possibility of SAD and some very effective natural solutions.

It takes diligent care to maintain healthy spine throughout the year and these efforts will likely require the help of a chiropractor. If you need assistance of advice pertaining to the health of your spine, get in touch with reliable Kent chiropractic office now.

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